Terminal performance seems similar in my limited experience of the non Barnes bullets and lots with the Barnes. One big difference is in pressure generated.
Driving band or relief groove bullets like the Barnes have lower pressure than even some cup and core bullets. Smooth copper = more pressure. smooth Cupro Nickle (Gilding Metal) = even more pressure but no hard and fast rule if it is higher than the smooth copper always. It depends on diameter and bearing surface.

Between the three, loads can vary as much as three grains with two grains being fairly typical when multiple bullets were pressure tested individually. Nosler doesn't make this distinction for the monos but in my limited experience they should.

Fred Barnes worked with PO Ackley on a controlled expansion bullet, it was mostly copper with a hollow point punched in the nose and then a small lead core was swagged in. Crude tools and varable materials hurt the accuracy. But those that were believers swore by them. One shooter thought so highly of them he was going to use these bullets in a 220 Swift on man eating tigers in India? These bullets were similar to the original Trophy Bonded Bear Claws.

"When you disarm the people, you commence to offend them and show that you distrust them either through cowardice or lack of confidence, and both of these opinions generate hatred." Niccolo Machiavelli