Originally Posted by Yondering
Yup either way, seeing the irons helps for sure. Especially at first, when making the transition from just irons.

I've found (after carrying and shooting red dot Glocks for ~8 years now) that I don't look at the sights at all in normal shooting, but it took a lot of reps of presenting the gun correctly to get to that point. I do still use the irons occasionally though, picking up that tritium front in low light is one example. Even though I don't use the irons most of the time now, I still wouldn't set up a serious pistol without them. And by "serious", I mean a pistol that is for something more than just the shooting ranges and gun games.

I’m not there yet. The irons help me a lot. Red dot dances around, irons are always where I can find them.

Find them, you‘ve found the dot.