Originally Posted by steve4102
I will never be Bernie and it won't be Biden.

Bernie is staying in the race to capture enough delegates so Biden can't win the nomination on the first vote.

After the first vote fails, the Super Delegates are allowed to vote and the committed delegates are released from their obligation.

At this point during the convention the Real Candidate, or Selected One will emerge from behind the curtain and become the Nominee.

It might be Cuomo, or Michelle, or maybe even Hillary, but it won't be Biden of Bernie. They both already know this is the plan.

This little stunt by the DNC is as already pointed a scheme to help knock Biden down so the real Nominee can emerge.
That sounds like a feasible plan, a plan that Bernie would buy into with the thought that he would really have a chance. Proof of it would be the emergence of some new, high-dollar donors/bundlers to the Bernie campaign.

Politics is War by Other Means