Originally Posted by Johnny Dollar
Mob has begun turning on the weaker members. So far just verbal assaults but physical violence can’t be far behind, Expect a few to be ripped apart to satisfy pure animal bloodlust. Real concern involves the start of ritualistic killing as sacrifices to appease demon illness. Once murder gravitates to religious necessity, all reason is discarded and Schadenfreude becomes the foundation of the belief system, e.g. the Roman Coliseum and the Nazi gas ovens.

Darkness is coming!

...or we could all just bump elbows and laugh it off...



We’re actually doing a members only, full train and finger gang-bang on elkslayer91-aka Cyborg Russian Bot.

We’re way past coliseum fighting...We got fists and elbows jammed up and inside the circuitry of this second rate foreign hack crew.

Stand back or you’re likely to get hit with a of circuit board.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”