Originally Posted by Kellywk
I think it will probably hold up in court as the prohibition doesn’t effect just churches but any gathering over so many people. So the argument is going to be that it’s as narrowly tailored as possible and doesn’t single out religion

I don’t necessarily agree with the people saying God will protect the congregation from illness. Everything I’ve saw in the Bible is that God will protect your soul, can’t recall anything saying he’ll protect your mortal life

First, religion is protected by the First Amendment, just as the right to keep and bare arms is protected by the Second. But I have come to believe that all these rights are only on paper and have little doubt that before the ink dried they were being compromised and are to this day all the more. So we will see, but his case should be air tight for a dismissal.
Second, have you read any passages in Scripture about Jesus healing the sick and raising people from the dead? He also said these things and greater will the folks who will come later will do. It happens with faith in the God I know.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.