What is "less lethal"? Do you mean a lower percentage of deaths? It's quite clear that COVID-19 is more lethal on that score if you believe any of the stats. Or do you mean fewer deaths overall? I guess that depends on how many people get infected. If the movements made by the state and federal governments are successful, we'll never really know how many deaths were prevented, so it's difficult to gauge. At this point, it seems more highly infectious than the flu, so it's likely that more infections will come about. A wild card is summer coming on and will the virus itself succumb to higher temperatures? Will there be a vaccine for next year and will the vaccine work should the virus mutate like a flu? Thus far the virus hasn't killed as many people as the flu, but it didn't get as early of a start. It also depends on what you attribute a death to. Neither the flu nor COVID really kills anybody, but both can bring on the pneumonia that does. Another thing is underlying conditions contributing to a death. Lots of factors. All of them are dependent upon the accuracy and the veracity of the statistics.