Originally Posted by WoodrowFCall
Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
What is "less lethal"? Do you mean a lower percentage of deaths? It's quite clear that COVID-19 is more lethal on that score if you believe any of the stats. Or do you mean fewer deaths overall? I guess that depends on how many people get infected. If the movements made by the state and federal governments are successful, we'll never really know how many deaths were prevented, so it's difficult to gauge. At this point, it seems more highly infectious than the flu, so it's likely that more infections will come about. A wild card is summer coming on and will the virus itself succumb to higher temperatures? Will there be a vaccine for next year and will the vaccine work should the virus mutate like a flu? Thus far the virus hasn't killed as many people as the flu, but it didn't get as early of a start. It also depends on what you attribute a death to. Neither the flu nor COVID really kills anybody, but both can bring on the pneumonia that does. Another thing is underlying conditions contributing to a death. Lots of factors. All of them are dependent upon the accuracy and the veracity of the statistics.

I agree with you on the deaths. It's quite clear that even based on US numbers, per infected COVID-19 is more deadly. Even in the US, where we have good medical facilities.

As far as the higher temps.... This virus is already in places with warmer temps than here. Temp will have no effect on the virus.

I'm not sure that's true. When does your flu season normally end? If warmer temps effect it, then it should be at about the same time.

You are right that COVID-19 just didn't get the head start.

Really, our only hope is to keep it from spreading by staying home a bit. Trying to keep clean. etc.

Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
There is no doubt in my mind the virus is man-made, just like the vaccine will be. The question is who manufactured it and for what purpose? China is the most obvious answer but possibly not the accurate one. The obvious purpose would be population control of the old and useless with sales of a vaccine and/or cure a secondary angle. Again, maybe not the accurate answer. Was the virus released or did it jump ship? Doubt we'll ever know the answers to all of it, short of Heaven and by then it won't matter.

There are actually some good stories on why this isn't a man made virus by some intelligent people. I know we like to go to conspiracy theories, but most of the time, the just don't hold water if you look at the facts. Besides, the one thing people can't do is shut up. There are quite a few people who didn't shut up about the virus response in China.... many are missing now. If there really was a man made deal, we would have heard about that too. People just can't keep a secret.
There are as many or more intelligent people who think the opposite.

As far as people keeping a secret, it doesn't matter. We don't live in the Information Age as much as the Disinformation Age. There is such a wealth of information available that all it does is serve to confuse. Add to this the fact that wide sectors of the Media including the internet are owned by Globalist SOB's who supress info they don't want known and you have a situation where few of us know anything. Just speculation.