Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
There is no doubt in my mind the virus is man-made, just like the vaccine will be. The question is who manufactured it and for what purpose? China is the most obvious answer but possibly not the accurate one. The obvious purpose would be population control of the old and useless with sales of a vaccine and/or cure a secondary angle. Again, maybe not the accurate answer. Was the virus released or did it jump ship? Doubt we'll ever know the answers to all of it, short of Heaven and by then it won't matter.

I initially thought so, too, but then scientific reports like this one from the journal Nature started coming out:

The COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin, scientists say

It's more likely that COVID-19 is the outcome of people eating bats and armadillo-like animals than the ingenious creation of Chinese microbiologists.

Originally Posted by RED53
Some shooting knowledge: Don't stand in front of the muzzle. Some hunting knowledge: Too much noise ruins the hunt.