Well my favorite upland gun on the grass prairies of western SD where I live is a 1959 A-5 Brownig "Sweet sixteen" 27.5 " VR mod choked barrel because it is sweet. My all time favorite bird is the Sharptail Grouse. For the first week or two of the season you can get covey flushes about every other year a opportunity for a triple comes up and I will take it everytime I can. Most of the time your opportunity for a triple is canceled because you all ready have a bird or 2 in your game vest. The last time was the very last hunt I made with my 14 yr old Gordon Setter. She didn't have much stamina left in her so I held her on heel until we got out there in the alfalfa where there were some knee high clumps left that gave the birds some shade and vertical cover from raptors. Her nose was twitching when I told her to hunt them up. 30-40 seconds later she locked on point and I walked in straight down wind. A covey of 15-18 birds came up an I swung from the left working right 3 birds 3 shots all the birds dead in the air at once.1 to 1.5 seconds that little Browning sang her song. Don't get the chance very often but that's one of the things that make it such a special event that you allways remember. You know I just don't care if someone else doesn't like it either. MB

" Cheapest velocity in the world comes from a long barrel and I sure do like them. MB "