Originally Posted by RockyRaab
This may make me sound like a Pollyanna, but I predict that when this ends and restrictions are lifted, we'll not only roar right back, but rebound to an even larger and stronger economy.

Yeah, just like it did after 2008.

When you lose $100,000.00 in the stock market and 6 years later your value is back to what it was before is not the same $$$ that you had 6 years previous, it is devalued by inflation by quite a bit, not to mention what you didn't earn while it was gone. When you talk to an accountant and not a stock broker, the reality of getting money back will finally sink in, until then, depleted uranium isn't as dense as some people's analysis.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.