Originally Posted by irfubar
Dr. Fauci has stated we should not relax social distancing until we have no new cases of Covid ... and no deaths from Covid.... let that sink in....
It'a almost as if they are trying to destroy the economy..... hmmmmm

But nothing to see... just move along... this is a pandemic after all, just like the the other pandemics.... well sorta

Brother, I see your point, and others who are calling for opening up our economy by getting back to work.

I haste a guess that this pandemic will provide no real course of future direction by economists and medical docs once COVID runs It’s victory lap and gets catalogued as another disease/virus needing a cure like SARS.

I believe this virus will linger amongst us for quite a while, picking off both young and old over the next however many months.

Learning anything from this pandemic will likely show drawing battle lines in the future during another outbreak is human nature between industry and healthcare. Who’s right? Both, one could argue.

All I know is currently, I’d prefer to catch this disease a little later, after docs have figured out how to turn on my ventilator and introduce some meds that are proven to increase my chances of surviving.

This coming from a guy who’s spent a small fortune on custom rifles and would very much like to enjoy using them before I’m taken off this rock.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”