Originally Posted by shaman
First of, let me say that I clicked on this thread at just the moment I was having the same feeling.

Enough! Stop it!

Then I read what the OP had to say. It was just more of the same. The same turds that were saying shutting down travel to China was going racist and going to cause a recession are the same turds that are now saying Trump's overreacting and racist and causing a recession. I stopped believing these turds when they kept saying Trump was a Russian operative. I laughed at these stupid twits. Now I'm getting really irritated.

I'm with Rocky on this one.

Let me go a step further. I'm really proud of how our country works. We don't need strongmen dictators to tell us what to do. That's why we're Americans. We have Governors and mayors and county commissioners and town councils to figure it out. Whenever I hear these dickweeds spewing it's always about how there needs to be more strong central authority. No. Trump and his team are doing the right things-- getting data, providing Leadership, and sending help where help is needed and requested. I don't need a Democrat fascist telling me what to do. The more I here the diseased ramblings of these turds, the more I realize how wrong they are and how much a measured regional and local is required.

No, we're not going to face a major economic collapse. Yes, there will be a recession, however, this will be a normal effect of a pandemic. What we don't need are ham-handed bureaucrats and wannabe-dictators screwing it up by making sweeping decisions that help no one except themselves.

What the heck are you babbling about? Who said shutting down travel from China was not a good idea?

" Yes, there will be a recession, however, this will be a normal effect of a pandemic." You mean like the new virus that killed 100,000 Americans in 1957-58, or the one that killed 116,000 Americans in 1968? Where were those recessions?

What do you know about business or economics? Answer: Nothing.

I'm glad you don't have "ham-handed bureaucrats and wannabe-dictators screwing it up" in Kentucky. Somehow I missed the election you all voted for to shut down the businesses in Kentucky. Here in Ohio we had no choice. Our "ham-handed dictator" shut us down and now (as of yesterday) is talking about it being doubtful the shutdown can end when summer begins.

For the record, I voted for Trump in 2016, I will vote for Trump in 2020, and I am in the 'high risk group" due to age.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.