Our first year, all of our outdoor recreational activities centered around gunfire.

I laughed at her one time thirty some years ago for being upset over a piddly little thing. A two quart sauce pan missed my head by about an inch. She sometimes still takes that pan out of the cupboard and points to the dent where it hit the wall.

Anyone who thinks they can hit this woman, better just kill her. Because that is the only way they would live through the night. She may be older and have a failed hip, but she knows the combination to the gunsafe.

One of my cousins was married to a woman for a while who used to talk about the day her ex husband came home drunk and slapped her around a bit. He made the mistake of passing out on the bed instead of walking out the door.

She put a half dozen D cells in a tube sock and worked him over that night. They were divorced shortly afterward.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.