Originally Posted by irfubar

Goes to show you know absolutely nothing about the plight of the small business owner.........
The government cheese, check and pension is payed for by the private sector... dummy

You continue to make no sense, and like the other day, not answer questions that might self incriminate.

1) I work my AZZ off and have for 25 years building 911 systems. My work saves lives, and I come home at night feeling kinda OK about my contribution to society.

2) Based on your comments, I have no reason to believe you are a successful SMB owner, and I have never said otherwise. I tend to trust and believe fellow man first, until proven otherwise

3) I happen to be at the tiny end of "covid stimulus", but what little I am going to use it to support local business.

4) .... you get to fill this in. Since you have been lobbing insults at me non-stop.............. What's your story? The difference between you and me is, I wouldn't JUDGE how you spend whatever you get, because I believe you are free to make your own decisions.

Last edited by duck911; 04/13/20.

The DIPCHIT ADD, after a morning of drinking:

You despair, repeatedly, constantly! daily basis?
A despair ninny.
Sack up, despire ninny.