Originally Posted by steve4102
Originally Posted by bigsqueeze
Originally Posted by steve4102
.........Using unrelated events going back to the early 90s to assume that Barr will somehow not seek justice for the deep state players, is nothing more than an assumption.

We just have to wait and see how things play out. NO other choice.

Some of you just might be surprised in a good way with Barr and Durham.

An assumption, maybe, but more like an Educated Assumption.

History is important and often times can guide us to the correct destination.

Barr's history is not good.
The DOJ's history is not good.
The FBI's history is not good
Thinking that the appointment of one man (with bad history) is going to change things is also an assumption, but more like wishful thinking.

Huber's history was good and he failed miserably
Sessions history was good and he failed miserably
Durham's history is good and _______________. History tells us-not good.
.............Yeah I see where you are going and I agree in part. However, educated assumptions are still assumptions nevertheless..... Durham has been given the sole or unilateral power to indict and do so without Barr. If Durham has overwhelming evidence of crimes which leads to indictments for many of the deep state players and his final report says so, then Barr imo will surely agree to indict........If Barr chooses not to accept Durham's final report in contradiction of clear evidence of crimes, then what was the purpose of Barr appointing Durham in the first place? And as I stated earlier, last year Durham changed his investigation from a formal look see investigation into a criminal investigation. And he did so with full knowledge given to Barr.

History can be a good judge. However in the case of Durham and Barr, it cannot be relied upon quite yet. If the final Durham report details clearly all of the crimes by the deep state players and NO indictments are announced or indictments to follow, then I will concur with your history analogy.

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger