Decided that since I've got a thread started about Botswana, I should start one about Namibia as well. Would happily do one for every southern African countries if I had a personal contact on the ground I could cross-check info with. Sadly my friend in RSA/KZN passed away in Jan 2019. Anyway....

Here is what I am aware of currently.

As of the time I'm typing this out, the entire country is on a "stay at home" lockdown order. There are a handful of small private markets open in Windhoek and each town/village has some sort of store open to obtain basic food and supplies.

This past week, the President announced the lockdown would be lifted on 4 May, but no specific details like is that for only internal citizens/residents and businesses or if that means boarders too. He has a scheduled meeting with his Cabinet tomorrow (Thursday) and is expected to announce further guidance sometime thereafter.

My friends daughter work for the main Namibian news organization and she's agreed to send me info as it comes out.

Would welcome any Namibian PH's/Outfitters that actually reside IN Namibia to offer up insights as well.

Anyone else who might have friends in other countries could reach out to them and start a similar thread as well and just change the country name. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of people on here who either have hunts planned/booked that are nervous about if it's going to happen or not and a few that are waiting for countries and flights to open and maybe pick up some seriously discounted short notice late season deals.