Enjoyed the read, and the ever so perfect doses of sarcasm sprinkled throughout. Good Job!

On a finer point, it's an interesting corollary to some thoughts I've had for some time. We humans must have 'beliefs'. I'm not referring to religion here; I mean all manner of constructed mental positions on every topic imaginable. Those beliefs help us interpret and navigate the metaphysical world. The rub, as you refer on the whole in your article, is this; what does one do with a construct belief that gets tested, and turns out to be false, or, less than perfect? If that particular belief was crucial to your view of the world, which is another subject entirely, you'd likely employ one of you biases', and toss the results, thereby maintaining a false belief because it's necessary to the undergirding of the meta belief system that constitutes...you. Your ears can tell when this happens because you'll likely hear something like, "well...that's my opinion...", or, "...I'm entitled to my point of view...".

In fact, being open to having a belief tested, and having the power to alter your belief based on those results...is part of your belief system.

Anyway - I say all this in support of your own pursuit of that which is most true. Again, good job.