Loons can differ in so many ways. There’s rich loons that collect a specific type of firearm, from a specific maker. There’s loons who are also well healed in financial funds who buy whatever catches their eye, or is supposed to be the new hot thing.

Others like odd or relic type firearms that may appear as junk to some, but the history of the weapon is what fascinates the buyer.

There’s also the “Never let a good deal go bye-bye” loony who has a collection of mostly new in the box production model firearms that are purchased because the price point couldn’t be passed up.

And, then there’s the custom build lunatic who enjoys putting different parts together from several manufacturers in hope of creating the perfect firearm - of course, several custom builds are needed to fit each specific hunt, game animal, or stunt shooting situation.

The reasons for each loon might be different, but they all share the joy in the buying of firearms.


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“Molon Labe”