Originally Posted by mtwarden
I'm not a law breaker, but I really couldn't see myself not getting into the backcountry- luckily it never came to that.

That’s what really puts me in a pickle here; I teach my children to respect the law and those who are put in place to govern over us (Romans 13).

As others have said this seems like one of those “unwasted crises” custom made for the Leftist. Nice play to remind us who is in charge and ultimately push their preservationist agenda on backcountry.

I told Marian I’d leave it to her; shorten my vacation time and move it later in the summer when we can do North Manitou Island and just do a weekend trip to a shorter, closer trail or go up to the eastern end of Pictured Rocks, walk west for 2 days, find a nice place to make camp and hang out for a day (which sounds great to me) and then head back to the car the way we came.

She went with the latter.

Makes me wonder how long it’s going to be before Conservatives have to seriously consider civil disobedience which keeps to the spirit of laws (I assure you, as has been mentioned, we’ll be ‘social distancing’!) rather than the letter.

Guess this is a good teaching opportunity?

Thanks guys!