Originally Posted by Valsdad
Friggen Southerners and their gardens producing in early May.............

I hate you folks! laugh laugh

Not really, just jealous War_Eagle. Nice garden there, love the straw mulch. I use it a lot too.


Well, everything is a compromise. There are a lot of things that we can't grow down here (that y'all can) simply because it is too hot...in fact, once our night temperatures come up to the mid / upper 70's, our tomatoes will stop producing much fruit if at all....which usually happens in late May or June. Then we have to start planning a fall garden for the next chance at tomatoes. This has been an exceptional year though with night tempts in the 60's regularly and even in the 50's when the fronts have come through.

This is my first year with the straw / hay. I have a few layers alternating between hay and oak leaves and I am really digging it. Lot of cottonseed meal too as a slow release fertilizer. The plants seem to be responding well to the combination so I will just keep doing what I am doing and see how it goes through this summer.