Originally Posted by CrimsonTide
I just watched it and found it interesting. It is amazing to consider the changes brought to the law enforcement profession because of this set of circumstances. Only two years later, I was trained in the use of "Lateral Vascular Neck Restraints" which were merely the re-wording of the carotid restraints they alluded to. Definite no-no was a forearm, maglite, or riot stick across the windpipe.

I can only guess that Chief Gates had some pictures of the Mayor banging a Korean boy or some such, that kept him in that position for so long. Shytty that he was out of town when the wheels came off the bus. The Lt. that ordered everyone out of the intersection needed someone to encourage him. I believe the Black Captain when he said he ordered the Lt. to go back in and straighten it out. I also believe the Lt. when he said if someone HAD ordered him back in that intersection, he would have disobeyed that order. After the spill he gave about his reasoning for not going in to save the man who was assaulted with the brick, I can see that he did not have the sand to do the job that needed doing.

Dyke or no, the chick and her partner saddled up and rode into the shyte to rescue that woman. I said many times when I was still working, that I did not care what color you were, who you slept with, or what kind of wedding tackle you were carrying. What mattered was whether you could handle your end of the saw in the log woods.

Big city policing would not be my cup of tea. I preferred to work by myself in the more rural areas. God bless those who will work in town.

Yeah a lot of important takeaways and I thought they did a good job of interviewing anybody that was willing to be interviewed.

If you've never seen the movie Dark Blue you should check it out. It's a fictional story that takes place during the days leading up to the riots. They make a few interesting comments in the movie that make me believe the writer's did some serious research or had some legit LAPD on set advising.

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house