Originally Posted by ready_on_the_right
Seems like it would be easier to teach folks how to operate the boat instead of the truck and trailer, let them drop you off and you fetch the rig!

That's what wifey and I decided on. She putts around in the boat while I back in/retrieve the boat. It would be exceptionally rare for my truck/railer to spend any more than 5min total for combined launch/retrieval on an actual launch ramp. I'll wave other folks by if I'm in line but still rigging/prepping to launch and I'll crowd the everliving schiitte of folks who haven't the sense to get outta the way. You wanna play "Chatty Kathy" on the ramp, I'll probably make you think you're about to get run over by someone who doesn't see you.

Wives/kids involved in the launching process earn my silence and/or an offer of assistance if they need it. Same for solo-launchers.

Last edited by horse1; 05/25/20.

I can walk on water.......................but I do stagger a bit on alcohol.