Originally Posted by htredneck
One of my mom's sisters was married to a real dick for a while. In the late 70s, he came home from a bad day fishing on a river and proceeded to try and take it out on my aunt and cousins. Oldest cousin was 15 or 16 at the time, and is one of those girls that redefines the term tomboy. Jack-wad took a swing at her mom and missed... cousin swung a fireplace poker at him that didn't. Then she grabbed him by collar, drug his ass outside and worked on him some more with the poker and then switched to one of her little brother's baseball bats. Dick-weed spent a couple weeks in the hospital recovering and is now one of the meekest men you will ever meet. Won't raise his voice, disagree with anything or even look cross-wise at someone.

Stepdad or real dad?

Salty gal, either way. God bless her.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
...Actually Sycamore, you are sort of right....