Sophomore year of College in 1976 podunk Idaho. I lived in a men's dorm of 55 guys. There was a women's dorm across campus 100 yds with 55 gals. There were several dating couples between the two dorms and we often staged keggers together. Much more like brother/sister Frat and Sorority than typical dorms.

We decided to do a panty raid on the girls one winter night. I think the guys hit every room. Then the underwear which did not unfortunately get added to personal collections was hung on a long rope across the dining hall for the girls to retrieve at their leisure. The guys also did a thorough job of waxing every toilet seat on all four floors and pulled the shower heads and inserted die pellets in the plumbing. (community toilets and showers on each floor). They even stretched Saran Wrap over the top of several toilets, under the seat.

So the girls were properly motivated to extract their vengeance. 18, 19, 20, and 21 year old females can be surprisingly imaginative and vindictive when properly motivated.

About half way through spring semester we awakened to the most awful ammonia smell permeating every floor of our dorm. 1, 2, 3, and a basement. I always worked breakfast shift at the food service, so I was one of the first to hit the head. Like the girls, we had a bathroom with four stalls for the toilets, and a shower with six shower heads on each floor. The smell in the bath room brought tears to my eyes, and I was a farm boy used to wading knee deep through the corrals.

The women had packed fifty pound bags of laying mash up the stairs or down as the case may be. They had dumped 100 lbs in each shower bay and then turned the water on long enough to wet the feed and release ammonia via the urea component of chicken feed.

To finish up, they had purchased 48 white leghorn laying hens from a local poultry house and placed a dozen in each of the showers.

The girls later told us that they fully expected us to show up at their dorm demanding use of their showers. They even had one floor segregated and reserved for our use. But none of us thought about that possibility. We all just went without that day.

I am not sure how most of the cleanup was accomplished. After my breakfast shift and my morning classes, I volunteered to dispose of the chickens. We scrounged up some cardboard boxes from the food service, and filled the back of my buddy's Datsun pickup with boxed chickens.

My Grandparents lived five miles out of town. Grandma always kept a flock of laying hens and sold eggs out of her front door. She was very happy for the addition of these White Leghorn layers to her flock.

My buddy and I purposely spent the afternoon visiting with my grandparents and had dinner with them. By the time we returned to the dorm, the bathrooms were spic and span.

We had several "dorm meetings" and discussed proper reprisal. But eventually concurred nothing we could come up with would be imaginative enough to best the girls. Many proposals were rejected as simply being in extremely bad taste. We had to admit to inglorious defeat.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.