Oh my,NOT Imaginary Pretend Ignore,as yet another CLUELESS Fhuqk shoves her pointy head in the sand...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

In fairness,Nuzzler's BC values are easily amongst THE most fhuqking hilariously inflated. The Litz G7 is .185,which of course translates to sub .400 G1,as I simply stated. I've a "hunch" that I'm fairly 7mm and 120gr fluent,if only to a Drooling Retard's chagrin. Simply state the atmospherics and I'll happily slap you upside your own pointy fhuqking head,with even more of your contrived fhuqking STUPIDITY. Hint.

Be SURE to yell at the calculator. LAUGHING!

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]

Now you are the one who cited the initial and subsequent distances and of course are more than a little taken aback,when I speak with the Facts and Physics of those particulars. Read that again. Now one more time. THAT is some fhuqking FUNNY schit! Hint. LAUGHING!

Be sure to "teel" me "more",because you REALLY "know" your "stuff". You CLUELESS Fhuqktards never disappoint and that by simply giving it your ALL. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart for fhuqking Trying and botching schit soooooooo fhuqking Hilariously!



clockwork whiner,

Pardon my simply shooting it all and then some,as you try to keep pace with your GoogleFu...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Congratulations?!?

It takes some REAL "thought",to build a Custom long action,that pales to 264 Kreedmire Factory Fodder,given the "knowledge","experience" and "results" the DUMB Fhuqk concocted as a "recipe". Hint. laughing!

I VERY much enjoy how "real" Imaginary Pretend Ignore is,to you AMAZINGLY Stupid Kchunts. hint.

Bless your heart for lying and don't "forget",that you "can't read" this.



Wow +P+++!!!.................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."