Originally Posted by MickeyD
Originally Posted by jackmountain
WTF?! Seriously....
First half of you are all for the govt shutting down the economy, outlawing peaceful assembly, practice of religion etc.... Now you want the fed govt to send in the military to stop the rioters? You should rethink your political affiliation. Not sure the description fits any longer.

Are you fuqing serious??? There's a world of difference between trying to mitigate the impacts of a new virous that, early on, showed the potential to be extremely dangerous and the rioters/looters/arsonists that ARE extremely dangerous.
There's also a world of difference between protesting the supposed actions of officials by burning, looting, property destruction, assault and these riots. If you can't see that then you are a fuqing retarded fool!

So you were one of the stupid chunts that thought it was a great idea to let the .gov crash our economy to "save" you, and now you're trying to save face by pretending you had no choice..... Double down, I think it's working. In the future, next time you decide to jump on the bandwagon and support a govt shut down of the entire economy and wholesale attack on every freedom granted by the Constitution and bill of rights.....take a flying phucq at a rolling donut in rush hour traffic.

Last edited by jackmountain; 05/31/20.