My wife and I got licence 9 years ago. I had a back injury that forced early retirement. I had always planned to travel "someday" but took good health for granted and never got a passport. I'm interested in "visiting" with folks I never would have met otherwise... I call it arm chair travel.... No annoying TSA agents to endure either.

One of my first DX contacts was a guy in a Northern Ontario off grid cabin running everything with solar and wind power. ... he and his wife were up ice fishing and had caught all the perch they were going to have any use for that day and were planning to tow their shack out over deeper water to try for lake trout in the AM. He was not running much power but propagation was good and we probably spoke for an hour or more.... kind of like sitting around the wood stove in a North woods cabin...

When this covid 19 thing was really starting to take off a few Months ago I was having a conversation with a Ham I'd never spoken to before. I told him I was frustrated with the lack of PPE... my wife is a doc and they were having to ration protective gear. The gentleman in FLA had worked briefly as a EMS person and still had an unopened box of exam gloves. He sent them out Priority mail the next day. Refused any money for postage.... Fine business.

Please don't feed the trolls!