I remember my first trip to Boy Scout Camp. '63 at Camp Geiger above the Missouri River outside of St Joseph Missouri. We camped in a new campsite, yellow Missouri clay and Loess soil. It was great until the first night and the skeeters started landing at Rosecrans Air Field. The lame-o's that had never used skeeter repellant squirted their tents with it. A small amount of tuloene is in that and the water repellant is wax based . Instant removal of the repellant on canvas. The rest of the week it rained. The tents were on nice wood bases and some of them went over the hill with the clay. But the ones with repellant on them were soaked anyway. Water came through in the same pattern as they squirted the repellant on the tent roof. I was glad I only put the repellant on my skin. Now it would worry me but back then and for years I used DEET. Mybe that's why I am so screwed up in the head. PTSD and DEET. Bad mixture. Daddy's tell all your children.......

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. Its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. Winston Churchill.