Originally Posted by RemModel8
Originally Posted by JSTUART

Finally...some sense.

Seriously, you are all over the map. There is no way you aren't drilled out or have previously been.

I said the same when I joined and was labeled a liberal.

I would prefer a coloured (any shade) neighbour that has conservative values than any thing that is on the left...I don't particularly see colour as a problem, I do see lazy, expectant, socialist, bums as a very serious issue.
I see militant lefty bastards (any colour) and their handlers as an immediate threat and would prefer that threat either negated or terminated.

I don't really give a flying fuck what you or anyone else thinks of my views on this matter, and whilst it amuses me to discuss those views the bottom line is that I am not interested in changing them.

Don't like what I post, don't read it.

These are my opinions, feel free to disagree.