Originally Posted by krp
Ok, just got back from driving miles of dirt roads.

The good thing is I saw signs announcing reunions at large sites, so I guess they aren't harassing larger groups about group size.

Bad news is almost all the sites are occupied, usually Sunday evening most campers have gone home, but there's a ton of people with multiple campers, vehicles, atvs, on all the easy access roads, they look to be staying the max limit.

We are going to officially be a reunion, we just need an uncommon last name.

I wouldn't be comfortable shooting in camp with the amount of other folks around.

I know places to do both but maybe some az guys could find them, they are far in and someone from TX or OR would get lost.

So far of the 237fs rd and 122 have the best sites, 3 to 4 miles north of 260.


Can you confirm the dates again? I my have to modify my vacation request.

Me solum relinquatis

Molon Labe