This was our 10th annual summer event, first one was about 20 people, peaked at 54 one year, and now about 20 again.

This started when Ken Howell was airovaced to Mesa az from Quemado for emergency surgery. THOMASMAGNUM had been visiting Ken right before he got sick and had just left driving back in winter conditions. Tom always joked that Ken beat him back here on the chopper.

Tom was a friend from the local hunting sites and also helped me with jr deer camp stuff. I read about Ken's surgery, didn't know anything about him except he was close and could use a friendly face. I asked Tom when he was visiting Ken in the hospital next and if Ken needed someone checking in on him once in awhile. He said heck ya and we met in the hospital lobby and went up to visit. Tom introduced Ken as a gun writer... I said, sorry I mostly archery hunt and don't read magazines... I had no idea who he was professionally... Ken laughed and said, that's ok I forgive you... and we took it from there. He was in a hard spot without an advocate, after losing my mom to bone cancer then MIL the year prior to shoddy nursing home... everyone needs someone on their side.

Ken is gone now and so is my good friend Tom, Tom's loss was extremely tough for me. My friend Greg Cameron's loss, who we started the winter get together with, another tough one.

For me it was a good run with both ventures.

Thanks to everyone who came throughout the years, it was fun amigos and amigas.


Last edited by krp; 07/19/20.