Not happy with the NRA mess, but I do wonder...

1. NRA, while not perfect, has been awfully effective with LaPierre. Other gun rights organizations may be more pure in some way or another, but none can claim NRA-under-Pierre's track record of efficacy.

2. With leads me to wonder: What if part of the price of an effective NRA and RKBA is an executive in charge who is a prima donna who spends money like a drunken sailor? Is it worth it? In the big scheme of things, $250k on trips by a washington lobbyist is nothing.

IMO, probably worth it. The left has had similar issues pop and they don;t make too big a deal of it. The offender might be shown the door, but he gets a gift basket on the way out if he was effective. I am thinking of the SPLC, among others. Politics is not bean bag.


“The very first essential for success is a perpetually constant and regular employment of violence.”
----Fred Rogers