Originally Posted by dale06
Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Wayne will probably go down with the ship, Capt Ahab style...

Ole Ahab got so target fixated and tangled up with that whale, Mobe-Dick, he lost it all. Ahab got sucked under by the whale he managed to harpoon and kill.

The whale in this scenario, is the dwindling NRA coffers, evidently in a death spiral, bled for so many years by WLP and his cronies. All this while we were continually coerced into giving just a little bit more.

Well, as an Endowment member, I'm done until they clean house. I don't even round up at MidwayUSA any longer, just check the "no thank you" box and move on.


Where is the board of the NRA?
I have to believe that there is more than enough unhappiness in the rank and file to make a change with Wayne. But nothing happens.
Wayne is no longer the problem, those that don’t replace him are the problem.

Ditto on MidwayUSA roundup, I don’t give a penny there, either.

Unless I'm really wrong, it's my impression that the board has little to no power to hire or fire executives.

So, it doesn't matter where the board is. You see NRA President Pete Brownell hearing the sudden "call" to get back to Iowa ASAP. He jumped ship before he got sucked into the morass... We don't know the behind the scenes goings on with that. Pete evidently didn't want his finger prints on what was going on.

Ollie North jumped ship after he and WLP reportedly got into it over something, probably money. Not sure Ollie was pure as the driven snow on that one. But, he did know when to retreat from a no win scenario....