Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Wayne will probably go down with the ship, Capt Ahab style...

Ole Ahab got so target fixated and tangled up with that whale, Mobe-Dick, he lost it all. Ahab got sucked under by the whale he managed to harpoon and kill.

The whale in this scenario, is the dwindling NRA coffers, evidently in a death spiral, bled for so many years by WLP and his cronies. All this while we were continually coerced into giving just a little bit more.

Well, as an Endowment member, I'm done until they clean house. I don't even round up at MidwayUSA any longer, just check the "no thank you" box and move on.


Whereis the board of the NRA?
I have to believe that there is more than enough unhappiness in the rank and file to make a change with Wayne. But nothing happens.
Wayne is no longer the problem, those that don’t replace him are the problem.

Ditto on MidwayUSA roundup, I don’t give a penny there, either.

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