Originally Posted by dale06
IndyCA35, I think we are not gleeful with the NRA going down. We are pissed at the
way our money has been wasted. We don’t want the NRA gone, we want it “fixed”. There a lot of money sitting on the sidelines until it is fixed.
For the life of me, I can not understand why those with the authority do not have the balls to fix it.

Point taken. I would prefer them to address these issues more forthrightly. For instance, "We have received complaints about about internal politics, WLP's compensation, the fight with our ad agency, blah blah blah...Here's what we truly think about that..." Instead there is silence.

Maybe the views expressed here (which I share in part) are not shared by enough NRA members to rise to the level we would like.

Don't blame me. I voted for Trump.

Democrats would burn this country to the ground, if they could rule over the ashes.