Originally Posted by MTDan
This is not how medical research works. One guy who claims amazing results should be met with skepticism until the data can interpreted, analyzed and REPEATED. These docs selling their magic treatments are snake oil salesmen.

The president has no medical background and has no place touting wonder-drugs that havent been fully studied.
It's downright idiotic of him to do so. Hydroxychloroquine didn't stand up to scrutiny. It doesn't stop covid, and now he's lost a degree of credibility in the public eye that he never had to wager at all.

MTDan, I didn't say anything about how medical research works or studies done etc. My point was that it is nice to hear possible positive news in regards to treatment vs the end of the world. Obviously there will need to be proper studies done but I don't think the Dr. was selling any snake oil as the drugs he was saying he was having good results with aren't new drugs that he would hold stock in and he most likely has plenty of patients so he isn't looking to increase the number of patients he sees by touting a a "cure" or saying he has the answers.
I just thought it was good seeing some positive news. It isn't like someone can go get the stuff off the shelf and then self administer. Until there is a vaccine or a drug that will reduce symptoms reliably then medical people are going to be trying various things to help people that are suffering. I just feel like the media lives on selling bad news and it is nice to hear some positive.

As far as SACharlie he isn't worth the argument. I didn't say a single thing about Trump in my post just negative media.