Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by devnull
I'm having problems with groundhogs right now under an old milk barn.They've dug under the concrete apron and I'm concerned it's going to come apart. I've already taken 6 groundhogs from that area this Spring. Last year, I took 5. I need to find a better way to get them to move on.

Start covering the holes with 220's.

Might be good for a couple more.

Be sure your dogs don't poke their heads in there though. LOL

^^^This but if worried about a dog sticking its head in block access somehow....i usually lean a sheet of plywood angled against the wall with the base out from the wall and block the open ends with something to stop the dogs from getting in. If you dont want to use a conibear trap, box traps work also. Set near burrows and I have found best bait for hogs is fresh cut cantaloupe chunks. Trip them at night if your worried about skunks etc. As for a fix, try filling the holes and if practical lining the perimeter of the barn at least a foot out with stone. Not gravel size as they will dig that, but larger. Set traps immediately at first sign of new burrowing.