I'm not going to be to popular with this. The Canadian GDP shrunk by 11.6% in April . At this rate, the drop will be worse than even the Great Depression ! The only reason we are still limping along is the huge amount of money the federal government has thrown at it. Like FDR did in the Great Depression. They will not be able to continue doing this. They will have to scale back and we will have a depression, that's a given, not merely a recession. We all know what the Conservative mantra of balanced budget led to in the early thirties. It took ten years and a World War to undo that,. The Chinese are reporting a 90% economy, as if you can trust Chinese numbers, it's likely worse. Until we have a vaccine, to keep even this 90% economy, we'll be lucky if it's that much, limping along, we will have to live with the New Normal. Otherwise accept large scale deaths, since I'll likely be one of them, I don't like that idea.

You can hunt longer with wind at your back