Originally Posted by EthanEdwards
As long as there are gullible fools who think the government has their best interests at heart, or more accurately, who turn a deaf ear to their own God-given common sense which says the government doesn't have their best interests at heart, stuff like this hangs over our heads like the blade of the guillotine. There are many here who chase their tails, explaining over and over and over why we own guns and why they are not evil. You are talking to people who at the levels of being able to actually DO anything already know and have other, more sinister purposes than protecting you from yourself. But like a dog returning to its own vomit, our side keeps explaining rather than standing up and declaring exactly why the bad guys want to ban guns. Same with worrying much about BLM or ANTIFA when the enemy is our own government and those who really pull the strings.

^^^^^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^^

You should not use a rifle that will kill an animal when everything goes right; you should use one that will do the job when everything goes wrong." -Bob Hagel

“I’d like to be a good rifleman…..but, I prefer to be a good hunter”! memtb 2024