Cops all over the nation are reacting to the "defund the police" outcry, yet they keep committing acts of treason for the communist party leaders who give them their orders.
I don't know if they are unwilling to think about cause and effect, or simply unable. But I guess that doesn't matter either.
As a former deputy myself I have seen this brewing for many years and I have tried to warn many hundreds of cops but they are so unthinking that they call a legitimate warning coming form a true care of the future of our country and also for the future of Law as a rule "a Threat." Like all liberals they try to say truth is "a threat". 99% can't hear what I am saying because they are brainwashed to shut out obvious truth.

If a chain smoker who works at a store or who is a welder, or a garbage man, or even a collage liberal who can't get any work because of a total lack of skills-- were to be told that their smoking was harming them and that someday a lot sooner then they want it to, the smoking is going to bring very bad consequences, many would not stop smoking but all would understand that I was telling them smoking was bad for them for THEIR benefit. It's a concerned warning.
Tell a cop what he's doing is going to back-fire on him and every other cop some day, and they try to say "you threatened them" They truly are THAT brainwashed.

I think it funny in a twisted sort of way, how the left plays people groups against each other. ANTIFA and "Black Lives Matter" call for defunding of the cops and openly call for their harm. Yet the SAME people at the top of the food chain are funding the communists, and ALSO telling cops to enforce treasonous "laws" that benefit only the communist power grabbers and the cops do it without any hesitation at all and most even seem to enjoy it. 99% of them think nothing about "following orders" even though their oath of office would dictate that arresting someone in open treason (starting with politicians) would be the #1 job according to that oath.

They swore to uphold and defend the CONSTITUTION of the United State, Not the politicians.

But that is simple truth, so it a very rare cop who can hear it and understand it. Truth seems to make them mad, just like all liberals.
Cops of intelligence, integrity and understanding do exist, but are less then 1%.
Former Sheriff Richard Mack is one of them.

The 2 lawyers in the gated community did what they should have done ..........BECAUSE cops didn't do the job they were sworn to do and now a communist upper mangier tells cops to get get their AR15, which the cops do without any hesitation at all.

Communist agenda was THE reason the riot happened in the 1st place, and the cops were ordered not to do their job by those same communists. Now the communists order the same exact cops to violate the 2nd amendment as well as the 4th, and they do so and think nothing of it. Is that because they can't think or just because they like being bullies when they can gang up on someone but are too cowardly to stand up to anyone willing to fight back ? (like the rioters)

And the communist politicians and upper mangers are encouraging the rioters either directly, or indirectly by not doing the job they are sworn to do ---- and then tell the cops to punish the VICTIMS of the rioters.

The communist rioters call openly for harm to all cops (TRUE THREATS instead of concerned warnings, but note how cops don't try to push back when it's a real fight they may be looking at) The rioters are now able to riot with near 100% safety and a very low chance of any harm coming to them because of the communist at the top who are financing, empowering and to some extend even directing these riots are SAME people calling the shots and ordering the cops to do things that turn public opinion against all cops and not against the rioters (even calling them "protesters")

Anyone see something wrong here? Anyone who can think anyway?

Any cops reading this may be offended. Probably will be instead of setting aside their pride for maybe 10 minutes and re-reading their Oath to GOD and asking the question. "How did it get to this point"?
If they had upheld their sacred oath in the face of High Treason a few years ago NONE of this would be a problem now.

A little side note that may help is to understand High Treason IS STILL a crime-- and can be committed against both State and Federal Constitutions. So don't try to say "that's not part of my job". If it's not, why did YOU swear to make it part (the most important part) of your job?

Cops are told to have "few friends" outside of the force. That's part of their training. But it's a huge part of the brainwashing. You don't see a problem if you see yourselves as "us" and the public as "them" . But when you see yourselves see part of "WE", only then you'll see treason when it's committed------- and you'd act according to the oath you swore. That's the exact reason you were told to have few friends outside other cops. You have been brainwashed to think "Us and Them". That's opposite of thinking as a public servant.

When this gets hot (and it will more in the future and to a larger scale because of the inaction and even the support of cops) are you all so stupid that you don't want any friends outside of the hated group? A hate YOU created by design. A design you didn't even understand, coming for those that order you to force their agenda on citizens that they wrote into 'law" or policy, but never endanger themselves in that treason. You are the sacrifice and you are thrown into the forefront, where the street gangs will call for your harm or death, and the citizens will hope you reap what you sowed too . No friends? Buy your own doing? WAKE UP! THINK. Try it!

Start thinking right NOW!.

Start with reading your oath and trying to understand it............ and what every word means in the sentence structure that was used.

Last edited by szihn; 07/11/20.