Originally Posted by Fubarski
Originally Posted by moosemike
Originally Posted by Fubarski
Nothin wrong with gettin a search warrant before charges are filed.

Happens all the time.

And they could only take the firearms which might have been used in what liberals think is a crime.

They could go buy a whole arsenal right now, if they don't already have one.

Bullshit thing to have done, in any event, but it ain't on the cops, except for the one that applied for the warrant.

You sound like a friend of the Police but an enemy of liberty

Everyone's granted the protections of the Constitution.

But everyone's also subject to the Constitution.

Search warrants are employed against drug dealers and bank robbers everyday.

And their guns and drugs get seized.

You want to change the Constitution when there's an outcome you don't like, like any liberal.

How do these people and their actions rate the same as drug dealers and bank robbers?

Also, if these were people in my economic group they would have no resources to hire attorneys to fight clearly unconstitutional police overreach. Courts are fine for those who can afford them.

TV has become nothing more than the Petri dish where this country grows its idiots.