Originally Posted by Birdwatcher
Originally Posted by HawkI
Explains the masks, the no contact and "sanitary protocol", for everyone to protect the special boomers, who have given us so much...

Lots of keeled over 17 year olds, I know.

Lots of adult-onset type two diabetics in San Antonio, its unusual to find a Hispanic family here that doesn't have diabetic family members or relatives. Dunno how many diabetic students we have, somewhere between 50 and 100 would be my WAG. So that's a consideration.

I would guess at the present time most Americans with elderly relatives are taking at least some precautions, how about yourself?



Pops has been wheelchair bound since 95.

He's ripe for the takin', as any of us are.
He's outlived 3 brothers, two younger and one older, despite living a less than sober, and full on lifestyle.

The precautions are zero. Its life, or it ain't.

There's two kinds of elderly: the money laden and the humble, the shocked and the surprised and the content....