Originally Posted by Windfall
Holy smokes Steve, I just read all 5 pages of your thread and it scared me a whole bunch. Probably better that I finished putting up the gutter toppers last weekend. My right collar bone xray looks like the peaks of the Sidney Australia opera house. Years ago I broke that in three places and piled it up on itself from a ladder incident. My first and only ride in a rescue squad. Cutting a big limb with a chainsaw that swung around like a pendulum and took the ladder out from under me. Doc told me that people that slip in the shower break their collar bone. People that fall as far as I did die.

A question for you more skilled ladder using people. When do you use those rubber cleated rectangular feet on the bottom of your extension ladder and when do you flip them 90 degrees to use the cleats that would dig into the ground? Should you use the flat rectangular ones on bare ground or just only on a hard surface?

Don't use those rectangular rubber cleated feet on the ground. Flip them up and use the bottom of the ladder itself, it will dig into the ground.