I have friends who worked as criminal investigators in the army, airforce, Navy. Cant speak for CG. They said the majority of their cases were for simple drug possession, lots of Dv's, simple assaults and rape charges . They advised that the majority of the rape allegations were BS. Husband deploys, wife bangs a bunch of husband's friends , gets pregnant and blame it on rape.

Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard

If you are not familiar with the Tamir Rice incident, read up on it. Tell me that law enforcement delivered the best possible outcome. Tell me that a little more time and/or space couldn't have delivered a better outcome. When I was a kid I had a few contacts with LE when I was carrying a pellet gun or BB pistol. I never got shot.

I don't know you from Adam, Paul. But based on your posts I am going to assume your LE experience with the Coast Guard was dealing with coworkers on a boat, or on base. Is that fairly accurate?

Last edited by ribka; 08/05/20.