I shoot Widows mostly.
Lots of people hate em............for whatever reasons.

One guy on a tradtard forum said that he shot one, once, and it was loud and had shock and shot like crap.

I asked him if he ever shot one that was tuned correctly?

Bowyer local, and his buds, were shooting indoors. I showed up at the range and started shooting.
His posse just stood there jaws open.

My bow was faster and quiet.

One came over and asked arrow/weight and poundage.
Then exclaimed that what I told him could NOT be true.

Just smiled, and said " wanna shoot it?"

He did and was all smiles. smile

My SA2 was perfect and the guy was my sized so everything transferred over well.
Kinda POd his bowyer buddy and pals.


I let quite a few people shoot my SA2 bows, and a few ended up ordering their own.