Nothing wrong with Black Widow bows. They aren't the smoothest I have shot and by far not the roughest I have shot. Limb core has more to do with stack than anything. But heavier draw bows are going to stack it's just the nature of the beast. For hunting North America I don't see any need to pull more than 55 to 60 pounds tops. 55 is my sweet spot of performance and practice (endurance) shooting. I have a set of 65 limbs that at my draw are just shy of 70, I can hunt with that bow fine but not going to put in the ends I would with my 55 or 45 limbs. Somehow ones manly hood became how heavy a bow he can shoot instead of how accurate and how many ends he can shoot accurately. A bow you can shoot good with and a lot with is a hell of a lot more fun than a bow that is too heavy to shoot accurately and a lot. I see it everyday and not just with traditional bows.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.