Originally Posted by Ginther
In 2016 Hilary had the $$$ advantage and Trump got heaps of free media and came home strong

Its the reverse this time, Trump had $1.1 Billion cash and a massive early lead but has mostly blown it whilst Joe played cool in his basement lol, now that he has got a big 7-11 point lead in the Polls, smart money is flowing in which will now allow a huge media hit on Trump.

Troll, you have bigger things to worry about then Trump. You better start working on how to get this anarchy/civil disobedience Genie back in the bottle. A Trump defeat doesn't appease them , chief. ANTIFA and BLM are manned by malignant narcissists that have an overblown feeling of self worth, a total disdain for accepted society and the people who run it, and take perverse, sadistic joy in tearing down law and order. Just like the crack pot Michael Reinoehl, a self-described antifa supporter, who was filmed shooting a man last weekend, and admitted to it before his death. These are the people you'll need to deal with no matter who wins in November.

Then there is the Muslim Jihad. Think that has gone away? ISIS just called for true believers to torch the US with arson and fire. Think a Biden victory is going to solve that? as a matter of fact, it was an Obama/Biden team that oversaw the rise of ISIS and the disastrous Arab Spring. Remember those nice Muslim Brotherhood guys in Egypt?

You enjoy China raping us of our tech and intellectual property? No President in the past 30 years push back against China until Trump. Biden took plenty of campaign cash from China, as did the Clintons. No problem there? Biden will have the Chinks on their knees, pronto, right? (Or is it Harris will be on her knees for the ChiComs? I get that part mixed up sometimes wink )

Tell me again how a Biden victory solves all this?

Yeah, dude, Trump ain't your biggest problem, but you need to wake up and realize he is your best solution.

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo