Originally Posted by Ginther
who the hell is this jeffo character you cuckservatives keep salivating about ??

and just for you OldeKHUNTr !!


and just to help you and all ya Democrats buddies to get ya vote in on time LMFAO


Media Bias/Fact Check --- FiveThirtyEight




...However, in 2016 they gave President Trump a 29% chance of winning. This does not mean they were wrong, because they still had a 29% chance of being correct, but they clearly were not very close on this one with their methods.

538 also reports news on their website that tends to lean left, however, they have been criticized as being opposed to the progressive left. News articles typically utilize moderate to minimal loaded language such as this: How Amy Klobuchar Could Win The 2020 Democratic Nomination. This article relies on proper sourcing from the likes of ABC News, Monmouth University and Senate.gov. A review of news stories reveals a more positive tone toward the left such as this: Trump Is Wrong. When The Opposition Party Runs The House, The President Gets Investigated.

In general, 538 tends to stick to poll related news, but when discussing politics, they usually slightly favor the left through story selection and wording.