Originally Posted by Ginther
who the hell is this jeffo character you cuckservatives keep salivating about ??

and just for you OldeKHUNTr !!


and just to help you and all ya Democrats buddies to get ya vote in on time LMFAO


.............Ah yes! The desperation of Mr. Gint-schitts!! Grasping at anything you can.........These two links mean absolutely nothing nearly 2 months out. In N/Carolina Trump is well within the margin of error...In others words there bonehead, Trump is polling better now than he did during Sept 2016 within all of the major swing states and still won....LOL>>>LOL....Whoopsie!............Your ONLY hope for a Biden victory Gint-schitts, is massive voter fraud #s to out-number the massive turnout Trump will receive....Your socialist, marxist, commie, lawless and America hating demCRAP party is planning for exactly that using the mail out ballots, which go out to dead people, cats, dogs, which are all subject to fraud and un-verification.........Hey! As long as your boy Biden wins that is ok with you. Right TRAITOR?

28 Nosler,,,,300WSM,,,,338-378 Wby,,,,375 Ruger