Originally Posted by KC

I hope that people come to the realization that it's deadly for only a small percentage of the population. Most of the population will get sick and experience mild symptoms, then recover.

6. Only a handful of people, not in a high risk category have died.
7. So if you're in a high risk category stay home, avoid gatherings of people, practice good hygiene, avoid anyone with symptoms, maybe for several more months.

I'm 72 years old. I'm sick and tired of big brother telling me that I have to stay at home, wear a mask, avoid groups of people. I'm not going to live my life in fear and cower under some rock. A life like that isn't worth living.

Don't take this wrong. I agree with 99% of your position.

Just one point needs to be made. There are millions of high risk individuals in this nation who have to go out every day and make a living.

I am one. At 64 years, I am in better health than my Dad or Mom were at my age. Dad passed recently three months past his 89'th birthday. Mom passed more recently at 84 years. Hell, she was asthmatic since she was 22.

I am in better health than my grandparents were at my age, each of which lived well into their nineties.

But yes, I am over weight, three bouts of pneumonia has left me with permanent COPD, and yes, I am diabetic.

And, like millions of others in like circumstance, I have no reason to expect that I will not be around for another twenty to thirty years.

Just to make the point, we can not just choose to stay home and isolate for the next year. Many of us hold critical positions in essential industry. And to almost all of us, our job is critical to us and our family.

What is the answer? I do not know! But it sure as hell should not be the dictatorial response of the government of Oregon and many other liberal strongholds. And it never should have been to shut down the economy.

If I catch the Covid from someone at work, there is a chance it would kill me. But then, if a semi crosses the center line tomorrow morning on my twenty mile commute, it will definitely kill me. But I still get in the car every morning and drive to work.

At least the job is not slowly killing me day by day like so many in years past in a coal mine or an asbestos mill.

The real facts have proven this schitt is not 1/100'th as contagious as they told us six months ago, and not nearly as deadly.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.